Armenian News Network / Groong

The Literary Groong - 07/26/2008

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	By Lola Koundakjian

	Vin Santo -- sweet wine
	Made of white ripe grapes.

	Dip those biscotti --
	finish it off with that espresso doppio macchiato.

	Transport yourself to Florence --
	or some tiny Tuscan village such as San Giminiano,
	where the medieval towers
	cast the only shadows THIS side of Sienna.

	Think of all the people before you, who have admired
	these paintings at the Uffizi;
	Of all the people who have prayed at Santa Croce;
	Of all those who hoped one day to see underground
	portraits hidden since WWII.

	Then thank the spirits who transported you there, as
	part of the continuum called Humanity;
	thank your art teachers,
	your parents,
	your lover,

	Just be thankful.


A peacenik, techno-junky, traveler, potter, yogi and art lover, Lola
resides in NYC.  She runs the Armenian Poetry Project, enjoys literature in all its forms
and writes urban poetry occasionally. She is currently working on her
first manuscript entitled "First Flush".

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