Armenian News Network / Groong


The Literary Groong

April 9, 2022



Ringing the Bells! Fire! Fire!


I am ringing the bells! Town Square! Decibels!

Sirens of warning, they are selling Armenia off

They are beaten, they are scared.

A silly journalist by trade

A walk of fame, selfie laden journey from Gumri

A so-called revolution, fighting corruption

But then? Chaos, lost wars, lost territory

Artsakh sold to the Turks, Azeris, tyrants, lost

Our history, our misery, our pain as Armenians

Our demands for lost land, Kars, Ardahan, Erzerum, Van, Moush, …

Squandered away again through the poison of ink and stupidity

Mother Russia sold us to the Turk, threatening our sovereignty

The end is coming, lost pride, lost land, lost history, lost identity

They are erasing our identity, as the old Turk plan, from 1900

Listen well, listen and scream so we storm the palace!

That little bureaucrat and his silly minions are negotiation away


There will be no Armenia to speak of soon. Carved up further

Threatened and shredded till nothing is left to preserve

Artsakh is dismissed, disowned by animals in suites and ties

STORM THE PALACE! This is 1913 again! This is the end.


Bedros Afeyan


Beverly Hills, CA



Dr. Bedros Afeyan is a theoretical physicist who works and lives in the Bay Area with his wife Marine. He writes in Armenian and in English, and also paints and sculpts. He is the current editor of The Literary Groong.

© Copyright 2022 Armenian News Network/Groong and the author.

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