Armenian News Network / Groong

The Literary Groong - 05/25/2020

Rocks in the Garden

Rocks in a garden, isolation, invocation
Rocks in a garden, sizes, shapes, colors
Gray in intent, rocks in a garden, huddled
Yet sparse, mutually repelling, poke marked
Aged agents, crazed edges, sharp chirped tones
Rocks in a garden where birds streak white tales
Birds of all colors, shapes, sizes, rocking in a garden
We age inside the house, far from the garden, glass covers
Windows and curtains, pots and pans, cats and bowls
Not in the garden, no rocks up the inclined burden
Remote control, wifi, surround sound, creature comfy
No rocks but music, no garden but in salads, no in, no a.
Tales of cats, curses, birds, fences, trees dreaming of answers
I write for rocks moved in the garden, you, smiling off camera. 

Bedros Afeyan
Pleasanton, CA
Dr. Bedros Afeyan is a theoretical physicist who works and lives in the Bay area with his wife, Marine.
He writes in Armenian and in English and also paints and sculpts.
He is the current editor of The Literary Groong at

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