Armenian News Network / Groong

The Literary Groong - 12/23/2006

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	by Bedros Afeyan

	You might as well be Lebanese
	If you set your clock to a war
	Bombed bosom of thine brother's barrage
	Fastidious religious banners, lust, lore.

	Poised in prayer on the head of a silvery pin
	Exploding sperm banks evict the middle road
	As Eastern quest to questions ring 
	Channeling Western coffers
	Abducted news and queues: 
	Kill, kill, kill and be killed in between.

	Governments come and go speaking of ethnic effects of domino

	Syria serenades trucks headed South unchecked
	Iran inflates poison pamphlets, promising in death
	Israel ingests the bait, inviting itself to oblivion
	No longer invincible, no longer inviolate.

	And Theocons in full missionary mosaic
	Scratching themselves in mid coitus
	Infiltrate the mind set of the evil enemy
	To deflagrate infidel egos with abandon
	As Halliburtons reach mandatory corporate climax
	Reconstruction Hosannas on their sanguine tongues.

	San Francisco & Pleasanton, CA

Dr. Bedros Afeyan is a theoretical physicist who works and lives in
the Bay area with his wife, Marine. He writes in Armenian and in
English and also paints and sculpts. Samples of his work can be found
on the web by clicking on his personal web pages at:

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