Armenian News Network / Groong

The Literary Groong - 04/19/2003

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	By Bedros Afeyan

	April window invites judgment towards our pied past
	Haunting sounds of summers lost
	Hopes dug in bloody sand dunes of inscribed pride
	Endless chains of moaning caravans
	Melting into balls of fury for injustice left undone

	87 monsters greeted parliaments in Europe recognizing
	Armenian loss
	Hands meager in destiny yet warm in culture's clutch resound the denials
	Diminished returns of Kurd killing battalions flashing
	Western leaning pretences
	Endless in shame of lust for crusted victories over the unarmed and

	May we stand in defiance and overwhelming odds
	Withstand the crafted lies and million dollar PR facades
	May each April bring the cherry blossoms to Halls of
	In whispers of children marching in Der Zor
	With a knowing wind's undying rebellion against distortions and gloss.

Dr. Bedros Afeyan is a theoretical physicist who works and lives in
the Bay area with his wife, Marine. He writes in Armenian and in
English and also paints and sculpts. Samples of his work can be found
on the web by clicking on his personal web pages at:

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